The Curse of Sekhmet

It was published in an Egyptian newspaper in 1930 by an investigative journalist about Sekhmet by the journalist Mohamed Abu Al-Saud, and because of this investigation he retired from journalism…. The story begins with Mr. Alexander Joan, a great Egyptologist, who spent a long time in Egypt, but did not discover a pharaonic tomb or an archaeological discovery, but he translated all the pharaonic papyri that they found before him, and he was also able to divide the eras of the pharaohs into families, and he was able to determine which family the tomb’s contents belonged to..A tomb was discovered in Giza, and Alexander went to see it and study it, and he found in the tomb a small mummified mummy of an Egyptian pharaonic woman, and a transparent white piece of cloth was placed over her face, and he carried this mummy to his home and placed it inside a box in an abandoned room, and after that, Alexander noticed the food rotting quickly and the roses withering, and he received a visit from his sister and her daughter, who is also an Egyptologist, and not long after their arrival, she felt The child was in severe pain and had a high temperature, and the condition worsened and the girl began to speak incomprehensible words in the heliographic language, including (death and evil to those who think I am)The child’s condition worsened and no doctor was able to treat her. Alexander was talking to his sister and told her that he had finally found a mummy and brought it here to learn about its Pharaonic history and which Pharaonic family it belonged to. Suddenly, his sister’s features changed and she went to see the mummy. She told him to take this mummy out of the house because it was cursed and was the reason for the child’s illness and the food spoilage. He actually took the mummy to the Egyptian Antiquities Museum, left it and returned home.He returned home and the girl began to improve until she regained her health. After that, Alexander continued to search for the mummy until he learned about the mummy’s curse, and that she was condemned to death and eternal damnation from Sekhmet. He took a photograph of the mummy and her eyes appeared from behind the white cloth, with looks of evil and revenge flying from them in a terrifying and frightening way….

Edited By Eman Sayed CEO NOOH BAZZAR

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