Sekhmet’s revenge

Our story begins with the Egyptologist Nora, who tells that once she was in Luxor with her friends Alexander and Gerard, and the French archaeologist Legrand invited them to visit the temples. They were amazed by the shapes of the columns and the Pharaonic engravings on them. He talked to them about the secrets of the Pharaohs, magic, mystery, and the greatness of the temples that were built thousands of years ago. They continued walking until they reached another temple, which was even worse. Here, they saw a statue in the middle of the temple. The statue was (Sakhmet). In ancient times, this statue was considered to bring bad luck to the Egyptian farmer. They used to offer offerings and gifts in their belief that this would protect them from the evil of Sekhmet. Dr. Legrand began to explain the myths of Sekhmet and things from her terrifying history. Everyone was listening, silent, and afraid of Dr. Legrand’s stories. Suddenly, Gerard began to laugh and mock, and despised these sayings. He wanted to demonstrate his contempt and disbelief in these fabricated lies, so he approached the statue. He slapped him on the cheeks and spat on him and said (This is the proof of my belief in your sorcery and magic, you foolish goddess)… and Nora said that at this moment the evil goddess Sekhmet smiled a mocking smile and looked at him with defiance and revenge.

And Dr. Legrand looked at him with terror and said to them, “Come on, let’s go to the hotel.” Nora continued her words and said, “We continued walking and the winds changed to strong winds and I saw the ghosts of the statues moving. We arrived at the hotel with Gerard and the next day I saw Gerard with a white gauze on his head and I asked him what happened to you.”

He told me that after we returned from the temple I went to my room and slept and woke up from my sleep to blood flowing from my head and multiple ulcers. I was very surprised because my head did not hit anything, but the goddess Sekhmet took revenge on herself for my mockery and contempt.

Nora said, “Until now, Gerard suffers from head ulcers because they never go away.” He always wears a hat….

Edited By Eman Sayed CEO NOOH BAZZAR

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